Welcome to the walkthrough for Dad's Monster House developed by Cotton Game and published by E-Home Entertainment.
Dad's Monster House is a traditional point & click adventure game with black & white visuals.
Store Description:
Freud once said: "Love and work, work and love...that's all there is."
But what of the pain, the struggles that arise
when we're forced to choose between our ambitions and love?
In dealing with such conundrums, we’ve all likely hurt those we hold dearest to us.
For it's often in the darkness that we feel most safe.
With Dad's Monster House, I wish to provide those kinds of heartrending memories a chance at redemption.
I dedicate it to scientists, to my childhood dreams;
to those I love, and to faded memories.
I hope that within you'll find the greatest of answers, be they for your love, for science, or dreams.
Avoiding Second Playthrough Using Cloud Save/Restore
You can do 2 playthroughs, or avoid it by using cloud save/restore "function". I put the "function" in quotes because this is not the intended use of the cloud save. It would be easier if the game supported multiple save slots or Xbox allowed for manual save copy/backup, but it is what it is. In the actual walkthrough, the method is described in more detail, but this is what you need to do:
- Quit the game so the save syncs
- Play the game to unlock 1 of the achievements.
- Without quitting the game, delete the local save.
- Start the game so the save syncs.
- Do the other achievements.
The game is not that long, so if you do not wish to mess with all this, just play through twice.
- Move
- Confirm / Interact
Completion of the game requires you to do the following:
- Find all 13 DNA Pills for diary pages
- Find all 11 scientist bugs
- Find all 10 locations where the cat is hiding.
- Some miscellaneous achievements like Kind Gesture.
- Complete the game with antidote prepared before entering the final area
- Complete the game by creating the antidote after entering the final area
- Letting your dad die by letting the timer run out
- Find all puzzle pieces and complete all photos in the album. (post-ending)
As you may have noticed you need to see the ending with antidote prepared at different times of entering the final area, which cannot be done in the same playthrough. Since the game has only one auto save slot and no manual saves, you need to use either cloud save to backup and restore or play through the game twice. Since playing through the game twice requires no additional explanation, I do not go into further detail about that, but do cover cloud save/restore method below.
If you prefer to see this in video format, here's a walkthrough video made by yours truly:
Please consider subscribing and liking if you enjoyed the video and the walkthrough.
Start New Game
Do NOT skip the opening cutscene to unlock the first achievement.
Unsettling Phone Call
Receive Papa's phone call and head to the Monster House
1 guide
Pick up bug (1/11) under the portrait of Tesla.
Light up the fireplace.
Go right.
Pick up DNA pill (1/13) next to TV.
Look at bookshelf.
Select the books as in the picture below.
The following achievement unlocks for solving the puzzle and opening the secret room.
Secret Room
Crack the password to the secret bookshelf door
1 guide
Go right to the bathroom.
Look at pipes at the bottom of the screen.
Right, Right, Down, Left.
Pick up bucket.
Go right.
Since you fixed the pipe and hot water is flowing, the following achievement unlocks:
Kind Gesture
Help the dough man have a hot bath
Go left four times.
Pick up DNA pill (2/13) next to skull on table.
Use bucket with flower pot.
Look at door lock next to the closed door.
Slide to match picture below.
Go left.
Pick up DNA pill (3/13) on the table at the bottom right of screen.
Go right.
Go up.
Solve the generator puzzle to the left.
Watch the video at 3:49 if you need help.
Turn on the generator.
Go right.
Use the machine at the top of the pool.
Enter “0000111010” and “0001000101”
Pick up fish in the drained pool.
Go left.
Go down into the house.
Go left into the kitchen.
Turn on gas stove.
Zoom in on pot.
Use fish in pot.
Turn off gas stove.
Zoom in on pot.
Pick up bone.
Go right two times and then up the stairs.
Click on plants two times to unlock the following:
Find the insect hiding in the plant
Open the box to the right of the plants.
Solution: Left, Up, Right, Right, Down, Up
Get eyeball.
Go right.
Pick up “D” on table next to the radio.
Go left two times. Solve the puzzle next to the door to open it.
Enter door.
Open drawer.
Pick up signal rod (in the drawer).
Pick up handle next to “WORM”.
Pick up DNA pill (4/13) next to bed.
Go left.
Pick up DNA pill (5/13) on drawer near balloon.
Pick up bug (2/11) on top of TV.
Play game.
Solution: L = Left, R = Right, U = Up, D = Down
This unlocks the following achievement:
Game Champ
Complete the game on the game console in as few steps as possible
1 guide
Pick up popcorn that the kid gives you.
Go right and out the door.
Go right two times.
Use Signal Rod on Radio.
Move the top bar to the right until it says 175.8.
Move the bottom bar right three times so it says 178.9
Turn the dial three times to solve the puzzle.
Go to WORLD next to the door.
Solution: Triangle, -, Square, =, =
Enter door.
Pick up DNA pill (6/13) on Frankenstein book.
Go right.
Pick up machine oil.
Go left and out the door.
Go left and then downstairs.
Zoom in on the deer above fireplace.
Put the eyeball in the socket.
Get key.
Go right and into the secret room.
Pick up DNA pill (7/13) near the fence.
Pick up bug (3/11) next to the portrait.
Use key on lock.
Solve lock puzzle.
Solution: Left most hexagon in middle row. Third hexagon from left in middle row.
Go out and then go left three times.
Use handle on machine to unlock the following:
Onion Person
Help the onion person Oniona repair the water pump
Get gear when the water drains.
Go right and then go outside.
Go left.
Use machine oil on robot to unlock the following:
Save Roboto
Help Roboto the robot apply machine oil
Go to the puzzle next to the door.
Use “D” on puzzle.
Solution: B, A, C, D, G, E, F
Enter door.
Pick up bug (4/11) next to portrait.
Pick up DNA pill (8/13) next to the jar.
Open jar.
Get tentacle.
Climb ladder.
Pick up bug (5/11) under the portrait.
Go up the stairs to the left.
Pick up bug (6/11) under picture of Einstein.
Pick up DNA pill (9/13) next to the picture of Einstein.
Go back downstairs.
Climb down the ladder.
Go outside.
Go right and back into the house.
Go right and upstairs.
Go left.
Zoom in on the device next to the elevator on the left side of the screen.
Use gear on the device.
Use the elevator.
Zoom in on Cotton Game.
Solution: (- refers to empty, inf refers to the infinity symbol)
-, + o, inf
inf, -, o, -
-, o, -, +
Get propeller.
Get hat near elevator.
Go right.
Pick up bug (7/11) next to the portrait.
Look at the machine at the top of the screen to unlock the following:
Machine Language
Find the binary converter
Zoom in on the puzzle box at the bottom right.
Get shrink pill.
Go left and down the elevator.
Go right and down the stairs.
Go right and into the secret room.
Go down the stairs.
Use shrink pill on bee.
Pick up lever.
Use lever on hole next to the lasers.
Pull lever.
Get pesticide (bug spray).
Pick up bug (8/11) under the portrait.
Go upstairs.
Go out the secret room and then left.
Go up the stairs.
Use pesticide on bug.
Pick up bug.
Go right and into the door.
Go right.
Zoom in on the panel next to the ladder.
Use bug on the panel then solve the puzzle.
Climb the ladder.
Solve the puzzle next to the ladder.
Solution: o = box is red, x = box is grey.
Pick up bug (9/11) under the portrait.
Pick up DNA pill (10/13) on the ledge.
Use popcorn on bird.
Pick up flower.
Go right and down the ladder.
Go left and out the door.
Go left and then downstairs.
Go left and then outside.
Go left and into the door.
Go left.
Use hat on the ladies to unlock the following:
No Finesse
Give the Woody Sisters the wrong hat
Pick up bug (10/11) under the portrait.
Go right and up the ladder.
Go down the stairs.
Pick up DNA pill (11/13) under the stairs.
Use flower on the girl to unlock the following:
Flower Sender
Give Milo a flower
Get shell.
Go back upstairs.
Climb down the ladder.
Go outside.
Go right and then into the house.
Use hat on bucket.
Go outside.
Go left and into the door.
Go left.
Use black hat on ladies to unlock the following:
Happy Sisters
Give the Woody Sisters the right hat
Get teeth.
At this point, we are near the end of the game, but have to get one achievement out of the way. There is a cat that shows up in 10 locations throughoutout the game. Locations are fixed but order of appearance is random, so here are the 10 spots that the cat could be at. Visit each of the locations until the achievement unlocks.
Outside bedroom (area with the radio):
First room of the house outside (where the jar with tentacle is):
Room after going up the elevator:
Game Room:
Room with binary converter:
Room to the left of stairs on first floor (the room with skull on table):
On top of the tree outside:
When you have found all 10 locations where the cat is, achievement unlocks:
Found ya!
Discover Blackie in all of her resting locations
1 guide
Go to the secret room and down the stairs.
There are three ending related achievements, but only 2 out of 3 can be achieved in a single play through. This is the junction point that decides which achievement you would get. To save yourself from doing another play through up to this point, you can use cloud save backup/restore or just do another play through up to this point. I will describe the cloud save backup/restore method here if you’d like to use it.
At this point, pause the game and go to the main menu.
Press button, select the game, press
and quit the game.
(optional) Wait 5-10 minutes for the save to sync online. (This step is optional because we need to play several minutes anyway and the cloud save is likely to sync during that time, but you can do it if you want to be sure.
Now, we will continue the play through and get 1 of the 3 ending related achievements. After that, we will resume back with the restore process so that we can finish off the rest of the ending related achievements. This next part must be done as quickly as possible because if the game syncs progress to the cloud and overwrite the cloud save, we won’t be able to resume at the junction point. You will need to restart from new game if that happens.
Use teeth, shell, and bone on the beaker to the bottom left.
Get super potion to unlock the following achievement:
Successfully concoct the antidote
1 guide
Go upstairs and out of secret room.
Go left twice and then outside.
Go right and downstairs of drained pool.
Use propeller on the lock mechanism.
Go in the door.
Use tentacle on monster to unlock the following achievement:
Kind Soul
Heal the monster's tentacle
Go down the stairs.
Pick up the bug (11/11) under the portrait. This is our final bug and unlocks the following:
Great Scholar
Find all scientists
Solve the door puzzle by entering MARGIN.
Go into the door.
Interact with the mechanism on the left side.
Enter solution as below.
Use pill on dad to unlock the following:
Fully Prepared
Prepare the antidote before saving Papa
1 guide
As soon as the achievement unlocks, hit to open the guide and follow the steps written below exactly.
Select the game, press . Choose Manage game and add-ons.
Go down to saved games and press .
Select your gamertag and press .
Select Delete from your console and press .
Start the game up again and wait for the game to download the cloud save again.
Continue and you should be at the secret lab under the secret room without having made the super potion.
If you are not at that point, the cloud save backup or restore did not work. You should restart the game and follow the walkthrough up to this point. You can skip the following if you need to play again:
1. Collecting scientist bugs
2. Giving white hat to the ladies
3. Finding the cat
Either way, let’s resume and finish the rest of the ending related achievements.
Go up the stairs and out of the secret room.
Go left twice and then outside.
Go right and down the stairs in the drained pool.
Pick up DNA pill (12/13) next to the jars on the right side.
Use propeller on the door mechanism.
Go in the door.
Use tentacle on monster.
Go down the stairs.
Open door by entering MARGIN.
Pick up DNA pill (13/13) next to dad.
Interact with the mechanism on the left.
Solve the puzzle with below solution.
Press to open the diary and keep pressing
to flip to the last page which unlocks the following:
Papa's Diary
Collect all diary entries
Wait until countdown timer reaches 0 to get the bad ending and the following:
Sad Story
Fail to save Papa
1 guide
Press when the screen says “You failed to save papa. Turn back time and try again.”
Enter the door and solve the mechanism puzzle again.
Now, you have 3 minutes to go back to the secret lab under the secret room, create the super potion, come back to the room under the pool and give the pill to dad.
Rush back to the secret room.
Use teeth, shell, and bone on the beaker to the bottom left.
Get super potion.
Go back to where dad is.
Give pill to dad to unlock the following:
Close Call
Prepare the antidote at the spot and save Papa
Watch or Skip the ending/credits.
Click on the cat to unlock the following achievement.
Secret Finder
Discover the digits on Blackie's necklace
1 guide
Now, there are puzzle pieces in most of the rooms of the game. We will do this in each room until the final achievement unlocks.
1. Find puzzle pieces
2. Press to open the album.
3. Solve the jigsaw puzzle. (If the picture can’t be completed, there are more pieces that you haven't found yet in the room.)
4. Repeat for every room in the game that have an album page.
If you need visual help, refer to the video from time stamp 39:10.
When the album is complete, the following achievement unlocks:
Lovely Memory
Find all photos from the past
2 guides
Thank you for reading and congratulations on your completion!